Friends of Goodwill (FoG) is a Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO)(Registration No. 12679) based in Apac district in Northern Uganda..
Website managed by Exabytes Malaysia. All rights reserved.
1) Organise fundraising activities for the charitable organisations that approach us, and the underprivileged/vulnerable group that we identify.
2) Engage the public and partner with local communities to organize various awareness events.
3) Empower charitable organisations and the vulnerable community in the country.
4) Alleviate the sufferings of the needy Malaysian, and uplift their spirits.
5) Equip the needy Malaysian with skills to thrive while giving them hope for a better future.
Friends of Goodwill (FoG) is a Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO)(Registration No. 12679) based in Apac district in Northern Uganda..
Website managed by Exabytes Malaysia. All rights reserved.